Bathroom Remodel Post 2

18 Apr

I love side-by-side comparisons. Befores and Afters are so impressive.

We are now deep into the second week of the Great Bathroom Remodel. Yesterday I painted the walls while Ollie napped. Today I did the ceiling. I’ve never painted a ceiling before, learned quickly how much that sucks. It really is a shame I don’t have someone taller around who could have done that. that Matty has worked so hard over his Spring Break that I told him I’d paint.

The World's Worst Bathroom.

Much, much better

Absolutely crazy the changes we’re seeing here.

We’re about 90% finished, I’d say. But I’m not the one doing it, so that estimate probably has no importance whatsoever.

What’s left? Laying the tile floor, painting behind the toilet and vanity, and securing the vanity and sink in place. The plan is to take out the sink and toilet (again) and  lay the tile floor where they go, to avoid all sorts of extra tile cutting around the “furniture.”

Oh! And we have to do something about the transparency of that window. The home-made curtain just doesn’t quite fit into the whole aesthetic of the room.

I can’t believe this bathroom project is nearly completed. It’s been needing attention since the moment we moved in.


Posted by on April 18, 2010 in Uncategorized


2 responses to “Bathroom Remodel Post 2

  1. Barb

    April 18, 2010 at 7:06 am

    Yeah too bad you didn’t have someone taller around!!


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